it has always been recommended by many Outlook experts to compress
PST files on a regular basis. But, have you ever given a thought
about a real reason behind the concept of compressing PST file. Did
you ever thought why they advise individuals
about compressing Personal Storage Table file on a habitual basis?
Well, the answer to this question is various benefit
that compressing of Outlook.pst file offer such as:
- It helps in improving the performance of MS Outlook
- It helps in reducing the terror of damage of PST file
- Keeps you away from situation like loss or corruption of data
the important aspect that you actually need to understand is whenever
you compress PST file, then Outlook just turn down the space consumed
by the items that you marked for removal.
step taken to delete email items from your mailbox actually just
transfers those items to the "Deleted Items" folder. Now,
being a user at any given time you can restore the deleted items from
the "Deleted Items" folder. Once you empty the "Deleted
Items" folder you completely reduce the probability of
retrieving the deleted items. Well, this is what most of the Outlook
users think, which is total wrong assumption
you are really looking forward to reduce the size of the Outlook.pst
file, it is very important that you compress it completely. When you
compress PST, the items marked for deletion gets removed permanently
from it and therefore the size of the PST gets reduced. But, the real
question is – “How to compress PST file”.
for a manual method to compress pst file can never be considered an
appropriate option. Perhaps, the most suitable option that you can
opt is the usage of third party and efficient PST compress tool like
Kernel for PST Compress and Compact tool. This is one such effective
software that has been exclusively designed for compressing multiple
PST files in a go. The tool facilitates user to create separate
folder for every compressed PST file at his or her defined location. For more information about the tool visit here : http://www.compressoutlookpst.net
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